One is that you actually activate the fear memory by having the person go into or imagine a fearful situation.
The hotels were clean and it seemed that anything a person could ever possibly imagine wanting was available at any number of stores.
In this world, no person can imagine the future.
The person may also feel anxious or imagine that they are about to die.
There was more to that piece of green felt than the average person can imagine.
Tikbalangs are very playful with people, and they usually make a person imagine things that aren't real.
I mean the curious intuition that lets one person imagine what might, right this second, help others the very most.
By a kind of love she would never know, a love so powerful that neither person could imagine going on without the other.
I'm sure you will realize it is more important than something a person from off-planet might imagine.
The sky suddenly was filled with dragons, more than any person possibly could have imagined.