Once that happens, a person who has changed her name must publish that fact in a newspaper; most opt for the New York Law Journal.
If a person publishes the changed or derivative piece of work, they must let others use it under the same free license.
In 1892, she tried her hand at translating into French some of Eminescu's works, as possibly the first-ever person to have published such poetry translations.
For private persons, the business correspondence of companies, publishing houses and newspapers it remained an orthographic recommendation.
If an algorithm is asymmetric, one person publishes a key and accepts messages encrypted with that key.
This is the commercial equivalent of defamation and an example is where a person publishes untrue information concerning the quality of a trader's goods.
The average person can't publish a book.
It is, however, possible to examine the impact factor of the journals in which a particular person has published articles.
Every person may speak, write, and publish sentiments on all subjects but shall be responsible for the abuse of that liberty.
This person publishes creates a series of learning activities, readings and assessments.