Each person in his own world, reciting precious lines over and over.
For the final hour, person after person stood up and recited his or her dream, to the seemingly endless fascination of the others.
In spiritual practice, a person might read or recite from the prayers or excerpts from Psalms.
Reply in verse (when one person recites a poem, another gives the reply in verse).
Then each person will either recite the poem from memory, read it aloud or distribute it in a handout.
There is no consensus as to whether or not (or how often) a person with medical issues should recite asher yatzar:
He recited the great rhapsodies, and other persons of the human kind came by and recited with him.
When one person recites from memory and we others listen, the quality of attention has a distinctive, special quality.
A person who has not seen the Wall within the last 30 days should recite:
According to the Halakha, a person may only recite the blessing while it is still night.