Only persons with connection to the shipyard could rent houses from the company while many previous occupants were forced to vacate.
Any sane person who does not have money to burn will be renting or living with relatives in 2010 then.
He said, "A [...] person owned a vineyard and rented it to some farmers, so they could work it and he could collect its crop from them.
Few people dispute that the new safeguards will reduce crimes like identity theft, in which a person rents a mailbox in someone else's name and applies for credit cards.
Even back in the dark ages, a person could just simply go to Blockbuster and rent a movie for $5 at most.
Bareboat charters involve a person renting a boat or cabin and skippering it themselves if they are renting the whole yacht.
At least, the same person had rented the same vehicle on several occasions since the previous summer, including the past weekend.
Only one person can rent a given disc at a time.
Photo Booth Rental companies allow a person to rent a photo booth for a short period of time (usually in hours) for a fee.
Once the item is listed, a person can come across your listing and rent it.