The next person in line selected the same fist: a second red garnet.
To use the card, a person selects and says a password that is stored in the card's memory.
That person selects a card and adds it to his or her hand.
The game begins when one person selects a track from the Buddha that they like and places the machine on the table.
There is also a long list of high impact titles which a person can select from.
One person may pick up as many as six tickets and select their preferred time.
One person selects a number, and the other a letter, and where the two intersect defines the nature of the game to be played.
Instead, persons interested in herpetology select a major in the biological sciences.
The person who asks a question selects the best answer, and other members of the community can rate that answer.
Given no advantage between alternatives, a person normally selected what pleased him emotionally.