Funny, the way darkness cleared when a person stared into it.
"If I go into the street in one of these, every person in sight will stare."
An elderly person stares at me, and I wonder how he got in the house.
He realised that every person in the lounge was either staring at him or making a noticeable effort to avoid doing so.
The one other person stared at Snubby in annoyed surprise.
Every person the office had been staring at him from the moment he had come in to work that morning.
When a person stares at an object for a short time then looks away, the outline of the object is still in their view.
Each person to board the bus stared scrutinizingly at him before passing to find a seat.
The more a person stares fixedly ahead, the less useful is their peripheral vision.
So many prim persons stared as though they could not believe their eyes!