At the Arena we also realize the importance that drama plays in personal adjustments.
When did you last make a considerable personal adjustment to fit in with some deeply felt need your partner has articulated?
As a geologist, Aulia was very good, but she failed in areas of personal adjustments.
Recent analysis of the impact of retirement on personal adjustment suggests that it is less aversive than many have assumed.
Spiritual direction then, fully includes our humanity but is far more than personal adjustment or social adaptation.
But a deeper personal adjustment lay behind her political moves.
When facing the prospects of marriage which brings personal adjustments and added responsibilities.
A team of five counselors provides support and services to students in areas including course placement, personal adjustment, and college and career counseling.
As the series comes to a close, several characters make personal and professional adjustments.
At first, she said, she thought it would be a "terrible personal adjustment," but it turned out not to be.