"What possible interest do you think your personal adventures in surgery would hold for my listeners?"
That turns out to be "Crashing Through," a book about much more personal and interior adventures.
He is about to turn 30 and this is his personal adventure to rediscover his love of cooking.
The book has three main themes: the historical background, personal adventure and the psychological analysis of his own spiritual development.
Perhaps after a cold swim across the channel, as your own personal adventure begins to unfold, you too will begin to understand.
He is too embarrassed to talk about his personal adventures.
Bell, who had finally recovered from his personal adventure, handed the dispatch back to Rhodan.
Reasons cited for pursuing travel nursing opportunities include higher pay, professional growth and development, and personal adventure.
I am certainly old enough to hold up my head and have my own personal adventures in life.
He is also good at making their highly personal adventures seem the outgrowth of historical and metaphysical circumstances.