I think you underestimate your personal attractiveness.
A Skeldhi's hair is a measure of their personal attractiveness.
Still others said they thought that Senator Kerrey, with his emphasis on health care and his personal attractiveness, looked like a winner.
His presidential suit alone created his special blend of personal attractiveness and public statesmanship, a blend our leaders are always being urged to emulate.
A great measure of personal attractiveness and a high degree of romantic singularity are necessary to step free of the mundane, the governessy, the threat of earnestness and dryness.
He has great personal attractiveness and is super intelligent.
Their idea of beauty leaned in the direction of personal physical attractiveness, so they didn't bother with jewelry.
Its your personal attractiveness as well that I go upon.
Gracefully pendant from the head, and falling in golden tresses of profusely luxuriant growth over her shoulders, her hair added to the adornment of her personal attractiveness.
Rather than focusing on racial mis-matching, the film plays on a difference between Desdemona and Othello in age, size and personal attractiveness.