It's like a personal bereavement.
Gaynor Harris: 'It's like a personal bereavement'
"All of us at Morton Thiokol feel a sense of personal bereavement."
World War I claimed the lives of thirteen Old Kingsmeadians and each one was a personal bereavement to Arthur Watts.
Milford, now extremely unwell and reeling under a series of personal bereavements, was prevailed upon to stay till the end of the war and keep the business going.
He copulated after watching public hangings, a favorite pastime, and after personal bereavements.
The relevance of this to Wordsworth's personal bereavement is clear.
Then I got this personal bereavement leave to go home because they were dead.
Historians believe "his own personal bereavement" motivated the composition.
In the end Leo and Hannah grow to love one another in respect of their personal bereavements.