When he did in the 1540, Diogo refused to allow the bishop to dismiss his personal confessor, Manuel Afonso.
Cardinal Augustine Bea SJ was his personal confessor.
The Jesuits, on the other hand, enjoyed predominance in political and theological power in France and Europe, providing a personal confessor to the King, etc.
Rugova's personal confessor indirectly admitted that he gave confession to the converted former president of Kosovo prior to his death.
One result was that Pope Gregory IX summoned Raymond to Rome to serve as his personal confessor.
It was commissioned by Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow from Ivan the Terrible's personal confessor, Andrew, in 1560.
She was also a devout Catholic with strong ties to the Jesuits, including her personal confessor, Gabriel Malagrida.
I don't mean to storm the Emerald City and become personal confessor to the Ozma Regent.
Henry's next choice for the papacy was his personal confessor, Suidger, Bishop of his recently created See of Bamberg.
Sylvie Obilade being the Bruglioni household priest and Paludan's personal confessor, but also a spy.