Some items were displayed on the wall because they expressed his personal credo far more succinctly than he could.
He also finds an old type writer and writes his own personal credo.
All of this adds up to a personal credo that we are not just specialized apes but a unique and peculiar species of our own.
"It's a bit of a personal credo."
Indeed, Wilson's call for consilience not only articulates a scientific vision, it affirms a personal credo and preaches a biopolitical cause.
But that would not stop Sir Simon from giving the world his personal credo: "You either believe in planning or you don't.
On 2 January 2004, influenced by Saatchi, Howard defined a personal credo and list of core beliefs of the party.
On the program hundreds of the highest-minded people in our country, thoughtful and intelligent people, people with mature inquiring minds, state their personal credos.
It is also his personal credo.
"I hate sitting in traffic," Mr. Golding said, summarizing his personal credo.