What surprises so many of Mr. Webster's customers is his personal dedication as a store manager for such a huge chain.
There was no personal dedication on this album.
It is not something which can be expressed in a book, but has to be learned patiently, by personal dedication and commitment to that path.
If the pilots did anything wrong, she added, "it was to succumb to the strength of his personal dedication and commitment."
The reluctance of a secretary to be parted from her boss was a flattering affirmation of personal dedication.
The personal dedications one finds in secondhand books are often as fascinating as the text.
Some nedarim are made out of closeness to God and one's personal dedication.
Prior to baptism, they are required to respond to a series of questions to assess their suitability, and to make a personal dedication to serve God.
This album did not contain a personal dedication from either artist.
I particularly commend the work of the rapporteur, Carlos Coelho, for his professional and personal dedication.