It is often associated with bhakti movements, who link an attitude of eternal service to a personal deity.
Either way, he begged his personal deities not to let anything happen.
He is known only as the personal deity to Entemena, king of the city of Eninnu.
Some scholars regard devotion to a personal deity as the ultimate reality is the last and perhaps most significant stage of Hinduism's development.
I never had any devotion to any real personal deity or saint.
Knowledge that first relieved the individual of their cultural religious indoctrination and then reconciled them to their personal deity.
His mudra was Gopaaladaasa, in honour of his personal deity.
Loyal Rue states that there is nothing in the core of everybody's story to rule out belief in a personal deity.
The same was true of all other Internet companies whose option-holding executives must have been thanking their personal deities for the Asian crisis.
Not in the sense of a personal deity, I mean-you know me too well for that.