The word had clearly gone out, but I wasn't sure whether these guys were cueing off my car or my personal description.
The fact that he uses both personal and impersonal descriptions of God supports this point.
But despite the staff members' chipper personal descriptions of themselves, meant to give the site a homey feel, it is a highly commercial enterprise.
Knot decided not to make an issue of the personal description; it was accurate enough.
They saw us standing outside the car and must have had our personal descriptions.
Zebulon Pike do an interesting physical and personal description of the Cordero.
I do not know whether you have ever heard it described in that way: it is my personal description of the problem.
Manfred Bowditch, Henry's son, gave a personal description of the man he knew as father.
The net's biggest Jewish dating service, with often hilariously self-deprecating personal descriptions.