Though sometimes frustrated by her comrades' personal eccentricities, Caitlin cares deeply for all of them.
A fear that his personal eccentricities were now affecting policy.
That might well be a tic, a personal eccentricity of dress.
Others had personal eccentricities they'd rather not come to light.
He was a hermit whose personal and musical eccentricities mounted as he receded from the public eye.
As in her first book, characters exist a step outside of the mainstream, removed by personal eccentricities.
I know not where any personal eccentricity is so freely allowed, and no man gives himself any concern with it.
Ms. Metz dismisses attempts to link such art with personal eccentricity.
As for how I'm dressed. . . I guess you could call it personal eccentricity.
His personal eccentricities kept him in the news even after his musical glow had faded.