The afternoon will be free for personal exploration and walking around the surrounding area.
The rest of the day is at leisure for personal exploration.
And for Richter, the subject was also a matter of personal exploration.
Parents and students today often consider college more an investment than a time of academic and personal exploration.
There was also time for personal exploration, leisure and recreation.
Fortunately, there are other ways to see his work: as a personal exploration of ideas derived from the 18th-century Enlightenment, for example.
More important, it would involve accepting that a personal exploration can be of substantial value to society at large.
The idea for the film came from her personal exploration of her father's past.
Today's cycle is short, giving you time to take in your own personal exploration of the area.
Every one is a personal exploration that features artists, but in the most successful, it's the artist within the context of the family.