Although the A.B.A. has its own financial problems, few would have considered personal familiarity with Chapter 11 much of a credential.
Suddenly, personal familiarity with the sacroiliac was no longer restricted to doctors, athletes and ecdysiasts like Virginia "Ding-Dong" Bell.
In her own experience, however, to find that Maxson had little personal familiarity with death really came as no surprise to her.
About 90 percent of Excel's revenue comes from residential customers, in large part because the company's sales techniques generally rely on personal familiarity between representatives and new customers.
The idea is to give officers a personal familiarity and stake in the neighborhood and encourage residents to see the officers less as outsiders serving daily shifts.
His own legal expertise and personal familiarity with some of the nominees has helped establish his credibility.
De Quincey wrote from direct personal familiarity, having known all three men during the first two decades of the nineteenth century.
This personal familiarity with the common struggles of economic survival in Detroit marked Bogle's purpose and ministry.
He has a personal familiarity with the enclave's history of conflict.
For all of his personal familiarity with the material, Mr. Provenzano has turned out a movie that largely owes its tone and style to other movies.