He is quietly determined, seemingly devoid of ego (as well as personal flair).
Rather than breaking new ground with his designs, Pflueger captured the spirit of the times and refined it, adding a distinct personal flair.
This is fiddle music played with great stylistic integrity and personal flair - definitely a joy to listen to!
Check out this article and learn more about how to add personal flair to your lawn.
The result is a house with an extremely personal flair.
But beneath the personal flair is a yachtsman driven by a determination to win and the willingness to work for it.
That was hard enough to do, as his profession demanded a certain flash, a personal flair.
Only two suggest some personal flair and freshness.
Her eye for finds in flea markets and antiques shops adds a personal flair.
This routine showcases the acrobats ability to perform a diversity of skills and add their own personal flair.