His personal honesty extended to his bridge career.
This acts to enforce the code and, more than incidentally, a high standard of personal honesty as well.
It is included in the section of the code on "personal responsibility," which covers such matters as family life, personal honesty and finances.
"I've had to prove my personal honesty every day," Mr. Ferrer observed.
Caparezza's lyrics focus on subjects such as personal honesty and the hypocrisy of the music industry.
In a television discussion last week, the authors agreed that personal honesty is essential to public leadership, though hardly a guarantee of success.
His personal honesty, thoroughness, and devout Protestantism made him a serious challenge to the Directory.
This, instead, was a kind of personal honesty, a stunning depth of self-respect.
It depends upon his personal honesty and intellectual competence.
For her, emotional expression does not well up from a private need for personal honesty.