In fact, the only interest served is an abstract one: Jim's egoism, his personal ideal of bravery, at the cost of his own life.
A remarkable gentleman who led by example in pursuing high civic, artistic and personal ideals.
By arguments of this kind, biological or similar arguments could coherently yield constraints on social goals, personal ideals, possible institutions and so forth.
In all likelihood, they did not anticipate that their personal ideals and secret political aspirations would mushroom into world war.
The personal ideal of Theravada Buddhism.
Johansson himself considered the new ideas "a personal affront" and continued to pursue his personal architectural ideals.
The pieces themselves represent her personal ideals about her body and how those ideals have changed over time.
This vertical view becomes anchored by one's emerging individual value structure, and all events are seen in relation to personal ideals.
In Manila, Julian ran a private law school which many of his personal socio-political ideals succeeded to his students.
The great shining ships simply remade the planet into some sort of personal ideal.