My stored information recognized the symbols that were their personal identification as they answered her and spoke to me.
Swiss citizens are required always to carry personal identification, so you will also need to be able to identify yourself at any time.
Nearly all the relatives have agreed not to make a harrowing personal identification of the victims.
For Brecht, the total theatrical effect on an audience was more important than any personal identification its members might find.
However, they were regranted their citizenship in 1950, and given personal identification.
It is therefore hard to see personal identification as the main evolutionary pressure leading to the famous black and white pattern.
He explained that people typically influence each other through two pathways of personal identification.
This sense of personal identification with one's work was in turn linked to job satisfaction.
Be aware that they may request personal identification even without cause, which is generally not the case in the United States.
At that time he retired from all personal identification with the company.