But safety should always prevail over a little shoe leather and personal inconvenience.
But all these things were relatively trifles, personal inconveniences to be shrugged aside.
So long as the strikes hasten the end of the liebour government I will support them whatever my personal inconvenience.
I do everything possible to avoid that airline, often at considerable cost and personal inconvenience.
Making the effort to cross some geography at personal inconvenience sent a message about how serious one was.
Spare no expense and/or personal inconvenience toward assurance of a successful tour.
As self-denial and personal inconvenience are often essential, it is only fair to explain their value.
I realize this is sudden, and hope it will not be too much of a personal inconvenience to you.
"As you wish, so long as the delay involves me in no personal inconvenience."
Reading the comments in this blog reveals a appetite for blood, but not at the cost of any personal inconvenience.