"Intimacy," his first album in more than a decade, is both a highly polished exhibit of new material from a leading professional tunesmith and a wistful personal manifesto.
Mercer described it as a "personal manifesto... aimed at rolling back the modern Leviathan State and reclaiming civil society".
The author waved the book around proudly, boyishly, as if handing over a kind of personal manifesto.
July 18 - Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf.
Each scribe set down also in some detail a summary of his own special study, and added a personal manifesto of his own views about existence.
The singer, who embodies an innate elegance, makes "The Lady Is a Tramp" a stirring personal manifesto.
Make a must-have status item into a personal manifesto; it's the design equivalent of putting a whimsical charm on a Mulberry bag.
In Algiers Saint-Exupery showed the book around as a kind of personal manifesto.
Even when Celie at last works up the courage to leave her husband, she is perversely allowed but a few bars of music to lay down a personal manifesto.
Anthony Crosland wrote The Future of Socialism (1956) as a personal manifesto arguing for a reformulation of the term.