A person will go to extreme lengths to protect this personal modesty, the main way being the wearing of clothes.
But even in a group of top-notch players like this one, those moments are brief; personal modesty is a hallmark.
Dirac was also noted for his personal modesty.
Said "clothing" ranged everywhere from full military kit to as close to nothing as personal modesty would allow.
Feeney himself is noted for his personal modesty and frugal lifestyle.
One's chief surprise when one comes across these big people for the first time is their admirable easiness and a real personal modesty.
True, to judge from my one encounter with him, Piston was not exactly a model of personal modesty.
The codes of honor were more immediate than personal modesty.
Any player with any sense of personal modesty will do that.
By now they were filthy, ravenous, half-delirious and personal modesty was impossible.