It is supposed that they were used as personal ornaments then later on in individual burial clothes, since most have been found at burial sites.
These indicate that the inhabitants were among the first in Western Eurasia to use personal ornaments.
If these were burial chambers with personal ornaments, why no coffins, sarcophagi, or dehydrated remains?
Twenty-seven of these beads may derive from a single personal ornament.
She commissioned works for his personal ornament, and had at least one goldsmith among her tenants.
Also on view will be a model of a Spanish warship, plus jewelry and personal ornaments raised by divers.
Additionally personal ornaments, made up of teeth or shells, are common as well.
The beads found at the site represent the early human use of personal ornaments.
Small amounts of gold were found in their personal ornaments and other objects such as masks and belts.
Late Iron Age burials in the region often took the form of a crouched inhumation, sometimes with personal ornaments.