I have business to attend in Southshire, and a personal pledge to meet at Innish.
The treaty contains seven personal pledges to encourage wildlife protection, save energy, use recycling schemes and join environmental groups.
Some priests are planning car washes, bake sales or special collections, and others are making personal pledges.
"Those," Egan said on cue, "are the personal pledges of the four Executives."
Eventually, he says, the personal pledges of scholarships will become a "vestigial part" of the program.
I made a personal pledge to perform only positive actions and improvements in order to negate the adverse reactions to frustrations.
These days, only diligent newspaper readers know that George W. Bush has backed off his personal pledge to provide aid to the battered city.
Under the bill, all players and parents would be required to sign personal pledges before using county playgrounds.
Now Cleggie knows what it's like to be a student once again - shafted by someone who made a 'personal pledge' to you.
Steinbrenner countersued, charging that Winfield was $380,000 in arrears with his own personal pledges.