In opinion surveys during last year's Presidential campaign, his Republican rival, Bob Dole, consistently won higher marks for personal rectitude.
He did so not simply through personal rectitude, still less by pursuing a correct political "line."
All men had their failings, and he was no more a bastion of personal rectitude than the next fellow, that he should go casting stones.
Indeed, many people, particularly Republicans, said that after the Clinton scandals they have a new appreciation for Mr. Bush's personal rectitude.
It is difficult to understand how one can reconcile the advancement of fabricated charges for political gain with personal rectitude.
The Senator spoke of individual effort ("and then some") and of personal rectitude ("stand up for what is right").
Few people challenge Vice President Gore's intelligence, personal rectitude and substantive command.
"Character" is a political euphemism for "personal rectitude" and Bob Dole, to my knowledge, has no worries on that score.
By the extreme logic of the Haruchai, she had violated his personal rectitude.
But to be effective in the political process requires more than personal rectitude, however admirable that may be.