Each student receives a personal tutor selected from the teaching staff.
Each full time student has a personal tutor who will monitor, track, action plan and build portfolios with him/her.
The teachers act as personal tutors or foster parents for their group of students.
A personal tutor is ideal, because you get to guide the pace and direction of the teaching, but that's expensive.
Pupils in each house meet weekly for a meeting, and also have a personal tutor who guides them throughout their time at the school.
In my experience, people do not like to go even to their personal tutor.
It was me, her personal tutor at that time, who persuaded her to stay.
Every student within the post-16 college is assigned to a personal tutor.
Right after graduating from college, he started working as a personal tutor.
His aunt hired a personal tutor, who worked with him twice a week.