Benn poured his personal version of the meeting between the rival messengers.
One has to choose the events, the path, and the person to follow after each event, thus constructing one's personal version of a "theatrical journey".
Today he had seen his personal version of paradise, a place where he would do anything in his power to remain.
Theatergoers who kept moving during the dance were, in effect, choreographing their personal versions of it.
Which is why, he decided now, it most likely was the book he had been frantically inputting in his personal version of hell.
A personal version of the film was completed in October 2009.
Tonight, he was experiencing his personal version of Grand Slam oblivion.
They had arrived in someone's personal version of a salvage yard.
Carl decided to create a personal version of their Family tree.
His personal version of English and his European drawing style made it difficult to find work so at 43 he started from zero.