He may even have had personal worries that we knew nothing of.
This and his personal worries, which must have seemed without issue, were perhaps responsible for a certain reliance, though by no means dependence, on alcohol.
Mirbeau frowned slightly, as if at a vague personal worry.
George seemed glad to be distracted from his personal worries for a few minutes.
I can tell worry about a war from a personal worry, and you needn't try to pretend that's what's going on.
By the time we had finished dinner and were back in the office, with coffee, I had no personal worry.
Reflecting the tough economic times, many people said they have donated despite personal financial worries.
Clearly, no one wanted to talk about personal worries.
I feel a personal worry about the over-concentration of these firms into too few hands.
I only wished the rest of my personal worries were doing as well.