Insurers ordered to pay legal fees of asbestos companies facing personal-injury lawsuits.
The $4.9 billion verdict in a personal-injury lawsuit against General Motors on Friday might be only the start of the company's problems.
In its later years personal-injury lawsuits forced the closure of more and more rides and finally the park itself in 1996.
He has served as an economic consultant in wrongful-death and personal-injury lawsuits.
Yet the award is outrageously high - it is perhaps the largest award ever in a personal-injury lawsuit, imposing $4.8 billion of punitive damages.
Dr. Sprague's response may have reopened the personal-injury lawsuit against Ms. Warmus, but it did nothing to help prosecutors.
He said the firm is not interested in personal-injury lawsuits.
This year there will probably be 50,000 personal-injury lawsuits, twice as many as in 1975.
First, as a potential defendant in a personal-injury lawsuit, our attorney general clearly does not feel comfortable admitting that he made an honest mistake that had dreadful consequences.
The primary argument is over the appropriate limit, or threshold, beyond which a personal-injury lawsuit can be filed.