The personality feature has inspired many amateur computer chess enthusiasts to attempt to find more optimum personalities.
It is noted for establishing Agent 5 (the player's character) as Gage Blackwood, which in the original Journeyman Project lacked basic personality features and even a name.
Self-knowledge is the first competence to develop and will naturally be through the knowledge of a person's own capacities, skills, personality features, interests, goals, etc.
A new personality feature, with the associated character, is developed during each life in the physical world, based upon past integrated experience and new acquired experiences.
A harbinger of this possibility is the recent research finding that personality features (such as dependency) substantially increase during depression and fall following recovery.
Currently the strongest support arises from many clinicians who describe and attempt to classify patients with seizures with these personality features.
To become a fashion, if not the standard of modern behavior, the new personality features needed new social environments.
However, the magazine also features product announcements and reviews, personality features, advice on operating a business, technical information and "how-tos."
Shakhṣīyat-i Zan (The personality features of woman), Tehran, 1369 [1990].
Some people with schizoid personality features may occasionally experience instances of brief reactive psychosis when under stress.