Tickle is a dating site that builds matches from personality quizzes and social networks.
There are also personality quizzes and features on girls at school in other countries.
Online dating services often use personality quizzes to find a match between similar members.
Additionally, a personality quiz may be a series of multiple-choice questions about the respondent without right or wrong answers.
Take our personality quiz Have you got what it takes to be your own boss?
A personality quiz is a series of questions (usually multiple-choice) that intends to reveal something about the person who answers them.
The personality quiz, unlike a knowledge quiz, has no definite set of right or wrong answers.
This type of personality quiz is not necessarily scientific, so the results may not be accurate.
He was offering a personality quiz for Brown so he might then determine the best approach to take with his young star.
There is also a mini-game and a personality quiz.