Similar to many personality variables in the field of psychology, hardiness is considered to measure a continuous dimension.
Aside from the traditional personality variables, the important thing is that each of us has really struggled with career and family.
Included in the personality variables were trustworthiness and friendliness.
He looked at three major sets of predictors: divorce history, the presence of children and personality variables.
Frenkel-Brunswik examined personality variables and family background with a series of interview studies.
Further, job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality variables and deviant work behaviors.
Her current research is on personality variables related to attitudes toward authority.
Self-enhancing humor is associated with a number of personality variables as well as psychological, physical and health-related outcomes.
The marketer may take account of personality variables in the following way.
Individual difference in preference for one system over the other is another meaningful personality variable that can be assumed.