But critics said that a drug company could follow up on the initial contact with personalized letters to patients.
What about sending a personalized letter to Republican women, in a specific precinct, older than 65 who have made campaign contributions and voted in at least three primaries?
For mail, companies use the information collected from their customer analysis to provide the individuals with personalized letters or upcoming offers.
They decided to send out the money accompanied with a personalized letter to their loved ones.
In Week 1 after purchase, the customer is to receive a personalized letter from his or her Qualia concierge.
Adding personalized letters or numbers - a "vanity" plate - raises the cost to $68 and the annual fee to $50.
That's why a personalized letter works better than a generic resume.
For example, a set of personalized letters, each with the same basic layout, can be printed with a different name and address on each letter.
He expects to spend significantly more on this year's race than he did in 1988, and he is sending hundreds of thousands of personalized letters to constituents.
When they involved a personalized letter signed by a university official, Cornell honored its commitment, she said, adding that was not the case with Ms. Mikus.