"I can attest to that personally," Si Cwan said immediately.
I can personally attest to the fact that eating well and keeping fit will only help make treatment and recovery more manageable.
I am a woman, pro-choice and the mother of two, and I can personally attest to that.
And the father, as I can personally attest, never leaves Z-town.
Now here, as I can personally attest, is where the Techs really outdid themselves.
As a teenager, I can personally attest to this description.
I can personally attest to the appeal of this argument, at least to the adolescent mind.
I have been visiting Bosnia for several years and I can personally attest to the transformation which has come over the country during that period.
She may look like a child, but I can personally attest that you won't have to teach her a thing!
And I can personally attest to the coolness of this place.