From the very first communication, customers want to personally connect.
I have held my mind away from this reality, as though it were a bluff or something not connected to me personally.
Other aspects of the event included a speech at every city from an individual personally connected with the conflict.
A death, a break-in, a robbery, all connected to him personally.
"After doing the work for years, I think people that are personally connected to a particular inmate aren't necessarily the most effective abolitionists."
And I made sure that I wasn't personally connected to any of his deals.
He tried to imagine if he could summon the same fire for something he was not personally connected to.
My wife and I connected quickly with he and Nancy personally.
Shaprow is known for her progressive use of social media in marketing music and connecting personally with her fans.
The very notion of personally connecting with a player is not something that usually concerns Van Gundy.