We could all write down a list of names which are personally meaningful, recalling places where we have lived and loved.
The important criteria that needs to be taken into account is personally meaningful activities.
And they should insist that every director invest a personally meaningful amount into the company's stock.
Finally, between 4 and 6 years of age, evaluative statements, which help to clarify "why" an event is personally meaningful, become common.
Distance from home was another personally meaningful number that was factored in.
And whether they have moved to the pulpit or away from it, their journey resonates with many Americans who long to do something more personally meaningful.
I'll put it in terms that are personally meaningful to me.
"We discussed how the disease affected them and what was personally meaningful to them."
Children create their own virtual realities and teach themselves about the value of life by engaging with it in a personally meaningful manner.
This year, make a pilgrimage to somewhere personally meaningful to you.