He well knew that he personally owed millions to Fisk and com- pany.
We have an enduring, binding covenant with them and even if we did not, we personally owe such action to Guardian of the Mist.
Late in 2004, Bryden avoided personal bankruptcy, brought on by $100 million of debt personally owed to creditors and investors of the Ottawa Senators franchise.
Alcide personally owed me, as far as I was concerned.
Now, Mr. Ebbers, the chief executive, personally owes more to bankers and to his own company than his millions of WorldCom shares are worth.
I personally owe them something more than that.
During his "rough patch," as he calls it, in the early 1990's, Mr. Trump personally owed about $900 million; his casinos filed for bankruptcy protection.
Stewart plead "not guilty", claiming that he only took $100 of the funds because the corporation personally owed him that money.
He personally owed Anglo-Irish Bank alone €300 million.
I personally owe a great deal to the Secretary-General for his skill and his rigour when it comes to putting forward proposals.