"Then the first order on the agenda is that I will personally prepare all your food and drink for the next month," Gwen announced.
He personally prepares the superb carpaccio at your table, liberally seasoned with shavings of Parmesan and truffle.
Prior to the summit, Secretary General Rasmussen personally prepared a draft of the plan.
Lanzecki knew a great deal about food and promised her that one day he would personally prepare a meal for her from raw produce to finished dish.
"And if a tenant is unable to personally prepare the apartment for painting, the tenant is obligated to have such preparation performed by others."
"So am I." Reeanna beamed at the waiter as though he would personally prepare her selection.
His paintings were mainly created using oil paint on hardboard panels which he personally prepared, although he also experimented with acrylic paints.
In this work he personally prepared almost the whole of the political and civil codes.
He personally prepared ten performances during three theatrical seasons.
He personally prepared the studies for 54 properties, including several lightships, fireboats, tugboats, submarines, and other warships, including the Bowdoin.