Camden personally promised the colonies that no further taxes would be levied, and voted in the cabinet minority who sought to repeal the tea duty.
Putin personally promised to the Mothers of Beslan group to hold an "objective investigation".
Just keep the cloaking device working, Scotty, and I personally promise you we won't need the warp drive or divine intervention.
He was immediately suspended for speaking against his own party and later M.G.R personally promise to withdraw the proposal.
Caproni company founder Gianni Caproni (1886-1957) personally promised that the changes would be made.
If he should as much as stub his toe, I personally promise you that every single one of you will wish you'd never been born.
And, oh, yes, I personally promise to forward whatever money you are owed by Khun Visarn.
There was only one guy in the whole Bible Jesus ever personally promised a place with him in Paradise.
Thirdly, we would like an update on the long-overdue third pillar data protection instrument that Commissioner Frattini personally promised would be brought forward.
You personally promised me that you would take care of the matter and find a solution very quickly.