He is famous for personally rallying the shell-shocked, pinned-down survivors and opening one of the first vehicle exits off the beach.
Jackson personally rallied his old brigade and won the battle.
He personally rallied his men along the line, and gave direct orders to any brigades, regiments, or companies he encountered.
De Flers personally rallied one battalion, but it was driven off by the Spanish cavalry.
Even though many prominent politicians and businessmen supported his pro-rail position, they did not rally behind him personally.
Archduke Charles brought two additional infantry regiments to Hohenzollern's support and personally rallied the troops.
He himself was forced to take up a shield and personally rally his forces which were then threatened with envelopment and massacre.
Seeing this, Gillespie, who until this time had stayed with the artillery battery, moved forward to personally rally his men.
The retreat nearly led to massive disorder, but Washington managed to personally rally the troops to withstand the British counterattacks.
Moore had to personally rally his fleeing troops to hold the line and led them in a successful counter-attack.