I personally regret this vile murder," Santos said at the start of a public speech in Bogota.
And I personally regret that the vote had to be taken.
But Mr. Jones said he personally regretted the relocation.
I personally regret that mansion tax did not make it into the Coalition Agreement but in a coalition we have to compromise.
I personally regret it, as you know; but it is not a matter solely for myself, but for the young people under my care.
They have been the subject of a certain amount of controversial debate, which I personally regret.
I personally regret that the Czechs do not have the proper tools for the job.
I personally regret the deletion of the group support regime, because it is a missed opportunity to make further progress in group supervision.
My own country, Sweden, is not going to join from the beginning, which I personally regret.
That difference in momentum between the two plans had consequences which many of us regret to this day and which I personally regret.