Louey Santera did personally remove three hundred thousand dollars from his account.
He personally removed several wounded men and was the last to leave the village.
Sánchez Gordillo did not personally remove food, but was outside in the car parks while members of his union conducted the raids.
If I ever see you again, I shall personally remove you from the succession.
-I will personally remove enough of your hide to make both of us slippers.
"My soldiers personally removed the scribes Lord Ajacias had set to listen to us, and now they guard the passageway behind that picture."
But having personally removed his gum from the wall, she approached him with a most solicitous smile.
It would give me great pleasure to personally remove you and all you stand for from the path of peace.
There are news reports of Lawton personally removing insurgent flags from public buildings and working alongside his troops to maintain order.
Informed that it belonged to players who had started a pro football pool, Steinbrenner personally removed it.