Tharen has said personally that the band will never tour or play live, due to his own personal commitments.
His is personally said to be responsible for the conversion of a number of Diwani Pathans to Islam.
People talk badly of Sven, Tim - You have personally said you didn't agree of his tactics.
She has said personally that her mother, whose maiden name is "Rousseau", was born in Mexico to French parents.
Today Mr. Khaled said that the leader of the Palestinian group, Abu Nidal, whose name is Sabry al-Banna, had personally said goodbye to the two girls "in one of our secret military bases on the Lebanese arena." had personally said "This is not exactly my favorite track, but if you listen to it enough times, you'll get the meaning and the lyrics can sometimes be fun to play with."
A source close to the Defra review said: "Restoring weekly bin collections was something that the Prime Minister has personally said is essential.
By the way we are the greatest nation on earth god has said so and personally speaks to George Bush every Saturday morning.