Intrigued, Moore agreed and personally undertook the mission of transforming Avery into Ava.
This is eventually revealed to be none other than Olrik himself, who personally undertook the operation in an attempt to reestablish his reputation before the Emperor.
Like San Martín, Bolívar personally undertook the efforts to create an army to invade a neighboring country and collaborated with pro-independence exiles from that region.
'An it please you, my Lord Sparhawk,' he said, "I shall personally undertake the protection of the Lady Sephrenia.
Power over the military was overcentralized to Mussolini's direct control; he personally undertook to direct the ministry of war, the navy, and the air force.
She personally undertook to keep my wine cup filled and rub the back of my neck when the night grew long.
The Makambo will be back in Tulagi in eight weeks," he told the lieutenant, "and I'll undertake personally to deliver the dog to its owner.
If he does, you tell him that you will personally undertake to recover this thing, whatever it is.
I undertake personally before this House to rigorously enforce our criteria and conditions.
As a result, you are very likely to fall short of your own commitments: commitments which the Commission President himself undertook personally on behalf of this Commission.