Simon goes to personally warn the dean's secretary to call off the construction of the gymnasium or risk a war.
Paul was aware of Bazhenov's real or alleged mission but by 1792 he stepped aside from freemasonry and personally warned Bazhenov against further conspiracies.
Fries personally warned the assessors to quit their work, but they ignored the threat.
And he personally warns Hastings of the mounting danger which Richard represents.
However, no eyewitnesses reported seeing Cline personally warning people along the beach.
Yet after he personally warned Mr. Bush of rising discontent at home and asked for $150 million in emergency aid, Bolivia received only $10 million.
He personally warned the women to stop.
A few of us personally warned him of the plot to demote him to an economics post at Novosibirsk.
Cartwright also personally warned me to "avoid the trap of the seemingly rational Romulan."
Smith sent Strong to personally warn Bradley, who was preparing an offensive of his own.