Even to most Yanks, the perspective the series provides would probably seem a little over the top.
A perspective which can't solve problems it doesn't seem to see or really try to understand.
The hours are still long in today's second-generation Internet start-ups, but the perspective of the young programming whizzes does seem to have changed a bit.
But there are moments when perspective seems as distant as the North Star.
The cityscape and the figures' scale, as well as the perspective, do not seem to follow a rational scheme.
The perspective in the mirror seemed to change, moving away from the lake towards the sedge which grew thickly on the Peat-bog.
Consequently, a revisionist perspective seems to see the sort of totalitarian state which evolved later on as largely circumstantial.
The raw metal has a kind of poetry, and the perspectives seem unearthly.
His perspective did not seem to be rare.
The narrative perspective seems to shift liberally from mother to daughter.