Previously the subject of trade rumors, Gill is signed for $5 million next season and hopes to persuade management to extend the deal.
He enlarged the editorial staff from 390 to 450 and persuaded management to increase the space available for news by about 15 percent.
The union persuaded management to contribute nearly $190 million to a fund to protect the health plan.
A better approach might be to immunize the whole company against unpleasant surprises by persuading top management to share information more widely.
Its first move was usually trying to persuade management to let Bain take over.
"It is inevitable that we will see increasingly creative ways of persuading management to narrow persistent discounts."
They need to persuade senior management that they have value to offer, even as large portions of their domain are being outsourced.
Interesting, considering he has spent a lifetime persuading labor and management to do just that.
Instead, it is seeking to persuade management to grant union recognition through a streamlined process known as card check neutrality.
White also persuaded management at the Garden to give up their share of receipts to make up the differences.